Friday, 2 November 2012

Be Still And Know…

It’s amazing that when we don’t know which way to go, many of us still choose to blindly forge ahead on full throttle - perhaps even calling it taking steps of faith. It seems we replace Gods Words and wisdom with what seemingly appears ‘God ideas’ which can take the form of what we see others do, what others encourage us to do (e.g. well meaning friends, family, mentors, leaders, media, etc) – all which are a recipe for disaster when Gods own voice is missing from the equation.
Couple this with our own impatience, ambitions, personality types, it becomes a hodgepodge that renders us ineffective and moving us further from Gods plans for our lives.

So, have you found yourself running around like a headless chicken trying to make things happen with mans wisdom and in your own strength? Perhaps you are exasperated, stressed out and have since lost your peace looking here, there and everywhere for an answer to a situation. If this is you, I have a suggestion…
Be still and simply be for a moment.

Press Pause
Have you noticed that, in frantic mode, your efforts have probably not produced the outcome you have strived for? Your response may have been to strive harder and harder as we are sometimes encouraged to. Yet, here you are scratching your head in bewilderment trying to fathom where you went wrong. You have pounded heaven with your prayers and fasting. You have had hands laid on you and prophecies galore in your prayer journal, yet nothing.
The answer? Strangely is not of doing more but of less. Be still, take a respite and consult your heavenly Father. I know for sure that He has a Word or two for you.
Quit The Christian Rat Race
Being still can be a challenge for many of us. Yet it is a strategy God has urged His people to do through out time, despite it seeming ridiculous in the moment. Pondering on why God would ask us to be still, I don’t believe for a moment that God wants to cramp our style. Rather, I am fully persuaded that it is a call to a deeper relationship with Him, greater levels of trust and a complete and utter reliance on His grace (not our talents/gifting, skills, knowledge or experience).
When we comply, our journey becomes easier. By this, I don’t mean there will be an absence of challenges. Instead, we forge on with different attitude, outlook and a deeper reliance on God. We get specific strategies from the One who knows the detailed plan of our lives. If I try to emulate someone else who has a similar calling, I will fall flat on my face. Why? Because God has a plan of action for each of us and for a specified time. Have you not noticed the victories David accomplished when he not only ‘inquired of the Lord’ but obeyed too? They were astounding!
I am also convinced that the times Jesus set aside for prayer were times He got instructions and all He needed for the day ahead. Yet somehow, we loose sight of this especially in a world full of noise and distraction every waking moment.
Help Lord, I'm Lost!
In her book, The Gospel According to Brodie: Lessons from a Blind Labrador, Jennifer Rees Larcombe shares an unforgettable lesson about dealing with what I fondly refer to as life’s ‘which way now?’ moments. She talks of blind Brodies experience in a park one day. On this occasion, Brodie somehow got separated from its owner. With all the background noises going on such as children playing, cars passing by a nearby road, fellow park users, Brodie could no longer hear the voice of its owner. So what does Brodie do? Instead of wandering around blindly (literally), Brodie sits down and waits to be found by its owner. I guess Brodie figured it would be easier that way yet Brodie was a dog!
After reading this book, the penny finally dropped. More importantly, it opened my own eyes to the nature of my relationship with God. Did I trust Him enough to sit still and let Him find me or was I going to forge ahead even if it meant I stumbled blindly into the path of an oncoming car? I tell you, Brodie taught me a lesson or two.

Wait For God
Like blind Brodie, we need to wait for God especially in those fearful or disappointing moments when we seem to loose our heavenly connection. It’s about being still and seeking Him. And trust me, He when we wait, it will be worth it because He has plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and it’s His delight to share them with us when we call on Him (Jeremiah 33:3).
Trying to do anything outside of God becomes futile. Jesus tells us that apart from Him, we can do nothing. So why strive?
I don’t know about you but I'm opting for the unforced rhythms of grace kind of life Jesus refers to in Matthew 11: 28-30 (MSG). Here is the full scripture…
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

I pray you receive the wisdom to navigate through life with God and the boldness to sit still, say ‘no’ or even change direction when necessary.

Scriptures to meditate on: Psalm 46:10, Isaiah 40:28-31, Isaiah 50:10-11, John 15

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